Gazipur city polls in frames
A total of 11,79,476 voters are expected to exercise their franchise in the Gazipur City Corporation election today.
The voting started at 8:00am and will continue until 4:00pm without any break.
A total of 11,79,476 voters are expected to exercise their franchise in the Gazipur City Corporation election today.
The voting started at 8:00am and will continue until 4:00pm without any break.
আগুন ও লুটপাটের পর কারখানাটির দুই হাজারেরও বেশি কর্মী ও শ্রমিককে ছাঁটাই করা হয়। যারা এখনো চাকরিতে বহাল আছেন, তারাও রয়েছেন অনিশ্চয়তায়।