Delhi Crime
Delhi Crime is an Indian drama series, created by Richie Mehta. It is based on the Nirbhaya gang rape that took place in Delhi, back in 2012, and the story revolves around the investigation done by the Delhi Police to find the criminals. The Netflix series, developed by Laurence Bowen and Toby Bruce, stars actors Shefali Shah, Rasika Dugal and Adil Hussain, among others. It was released on March 22, 2019, and has one season with seven episodes, available in both English and Hindi.
Us is a suspense-horror film, starring Lupita Nyong'o, Winston Duke and Shahadi Wright Joseph, among others. The film follows the story of the Wilson family, who decides to spend some time away from their busy lives in their family home in Santa Cruz. There, some people break into their house, resembling hideous versions of themselves. The film has been directed by Jordan Peele, and was released worldwide on March 8, 2019.
Most Beautiful Thing
Most Beautiful Thing is a historical period web TV series, released on March 22, 2019, in association with Netflix. The plot follows the life of a Brazilian wealthy housewife in the 1950s, who decides to move to the capital to start a restaurant business with her husband. However, she later realises that he has left her, but still opens a bossa nova club in the city with a new lover. The series was created by Giuliano Cedroni and Heather Roth, and stars Maria Casadevall, Pathy Dejesus and Fernanda Vasconcellos, among others.
After Life
After Life is a dark comedy web television series, directed by Ricky Gervais, in association with Netflix. The series, produced by Charlie Hanson, stars Ricky Gervais himself, alongside Dame Penelope Wilton and David Bradley. The story revolves around a character named Tony, who becomes suicidal, following his wife's death. He then decides to punish the world for his misery, by doing and saying as he wishes, until his friends and family intervene and try to help him get back to his original self. The series was first released on March 8, 2019, and has one season with six episodes.
Shrill is a comedy web TV series, released on March 15, 2019, on Hulu. It is based on the eponymous book, written by Lindy West, and follows the life of a fat woman, named Annie, who is determined to change her life, without changing her appearance, and make it into a world which deems her unworthy because of her weight. The series was produced by Dannah Shinder, and stars Aidy Bryant, Lolly Adefope and Luka Jones, among others.
By: Amina Hossain & Shreya Shomoyeeta