Bollywood diva, actor Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is in the talks to play the role of actor Binodini Dasi for a biopic. Filmmaker Pradeep Sarkar wanted to bring the story of courtesan-turned-theatre actor Binodini Dasi to the big screen for a while now. He previously had actor Vidya Balan in mind for the role, but he may have Aishwarya on board for this project after she reads the final script. The film will depict a chapter of Binodini’s autobiography, taking the audience on a cinematic experience that begins in her old age, after her retirement from theatre, and will provide a look back at her life and the men who exploited her. Aishwarya previously starred in Omung Kumar’s Sarbjit opposite Randeep Hooda, where she outstandingly played the role of an elderly. If the film is made, there is no doubt that this stunning actor will bring on her stellar performance on screen for this project as well.