Luka Chuppi actor, Kriti Sanon has been the target of the buzzing rumour bee, and made the headlines quite a few times for being in an alleged love affair with her Raabta co-star, Sushant Singh. From time to time, both the actors denied their relationship to have been more than just friends, despite being snapped spending time together by the media. Recently in an interview, Kriti cleared the air by sharing her thoughts on love and relationship. She said, "Falling in love doesn't need time, staying in love does. Maintaining and building a relationship needs time." She also added,"Love is not just about that special someone, but also about your family and friends. If you are talking about a special someone, I would love to fall in love, but it needs to be organic and that hasn't happened yet." On work front, the actor is all set for her next release, Arjun Patiala, alongside Diljit Dosanjh.