Bappy has been trying to find himself in a new avatar, and the search has finally come to an end after three months of preparation. He has given up quite a few film offers to work on this project. The film, titled Dhaka 2040, has been described as a futuristic social drama, and will star actors, Nusrat Imrose Tisha and Nusraat Faria. The film will be directed by Dhaka Attack's director Dipankar Dipon. Dipankar, alongside Habib Rahman, has also written the story of the film. Under the banner of Studio 8, the film's shooting reportedly began on June 23, 2019. Regarding the film, Bappy said, "This will be a challenging project for me. I have rejected many other film offers for this. I'm gradually preparing myself to fit the role of the character I will be playing. I hope it will be well received."