What do young people think of early marriage?
I figured I am still at that age where I would get funny looks for asking my friends if they'd like to get married any time soon. After all, when you are still in your early 20s and only fresh out of high school, marriage can seem like an afterthought.
A few generations back, most people were expected to be married while they were still quite young but that scene has changed. Gen Z-ers and millennials alike have taken a stance for not settling down as early as their parents or grandparents did, and wait till they have reached financial independence.
It isn't that most young people are opposed to the idea of commitment. This generation has the luxury of making more choices for themselves and wants the liberty of making the right choice at the right time. And most times, the right time isn't while they are still maturing emotionally.
Yet, the current view on marriages from a young person's perspective is surprisingly diverse, to say the least. Some people have their views shaped by life experiences while others remain open to the possibility of flourishing together with the passage of time.
Mahasin Newaz is currently a 24-year-old undergraduate pharmacy student in the UK. She decided to tie the knot three years ago and shares a similar sentiment, "For me, it is the beauty of growing up with one another and moulding the future we want together."
She also admits, "Things do get hard sometimes but we always remind ourselves that we are a team. So even though it comes with a lot of work, I think getting married relatively early is better as you get to have many shared experiences and deepen your connection with them that way."
Dibya Joyti is a 22-year-old undergraduate student and actor who likes to walk the middle ground when it comes to his opinion on the matter. He says, "I wouldn't prefer it because I don't really consider it to be the wisest decision for myself right now. Then again, I feel like early marriages are not always necessarily problematic or wrong as long as it's not a forced one and both parties really want to make it work."
My search to find opinions eventually led me to question my own ideologies and I came to the conclusion that perhaps there is no right or wrong answer. As someone who was conditioned while growing up to view late marriages as the more progressive thing to do, the nuances in the perspectives of others around my age now act as food for thought and sometimes, as an interesting point of debate with friends.
However, everyone has different circumstances in life and we should make it a practice of not judging other people's life decisions solely based on our own belief systems.
"Young married girls face so much judgment from their peers for their decision. That is something I had to face frequently but there was nothing holding my husband and I back because we knew we'd be able to maintain our individualities even while intertwining our lives in every way that marriage does," says Zarrin Tasnim Binte Hossain who is currently studying at North South University.
Irina frequently gets lost in her own thoughts. You can reach out to her at [email protected].