Types of bibliophiles
Books make good friends. They're a fulfilling concoction that can, for some, be just as effective as any headache tablets. You'll find them there on your grey days, in times of need when stress leaves the mind walking in circles, and especially when you need a good company to sit back and relax with. Bookworms have their own ways of making room for books in busy schedules, cramming in time to pick up their to-read lists even in moments of utter chaos. Here are some of the archetypes of avid readers that we've all encountered in one way or another:
The Overinvested: These are the fans who are in a committed relationship with their books. If you're their friend, you will have to survive through their incessant talking, crying and ranting about every book they had ever read till date. God forbid if any contrasting opinions are pointed out to them though, they are always ready to debate until the skin burns off their tongues.
The Aesthete: They are the artists at heart. They like to picture themselves in their minds holding a book with an attractive cover, in a homely café, in the middle of a downpour. You'll often find their faces plastered to the pages of new books, sniffing and daydreaming away. They have their own handpicked moods for reading and tend to be picky with aesthetical backgrounds whenever they do feel like sitting down with a book.
The Hobbyist: Bookshelves are their top priority. They are self-proclaimed serial readers who like to collect books in abundance. They spend their time making space for new books and trying to balance their budget with sudden book shopping sprees. But they spend most of their time getting lost in the paper jungle that is their collection.
The Globetrotter: They equate travelling with reading. Long journeys are always welcomed with open arms. They make themselves at home under a blanket and aim for breaking their previous record of finishing books while travelling. For them, the highlight of their mini world tours is the long road trips or cruises that merely help to elevate their reading experience.
The Critic: These readers have their own hierarchy, categorising people according to their book preferences. They generally have a superior notion based on their choice of books and are likely to severely judge others on their reading taste. You will see them typing away negative reviews in their free time on contemporary releases more than you'll see them rave about a recent read. They run most of the local book clubs with an air of luxury and consider it their sacred duty to impart knowledge about the standard of books.
Different people approach the habit of reading in different ways. Some like to stick to a specific genre, some are allergic to spoilers while some tend to only go for books with high rated reviews. No matter which one you are, having a book by your side, in any shape or form, will always work as well as laughter to brighten up the day.