Salman Khan inspired Arjun Kapoor to lose 65 Kgs in 4 Years
At 140kg just 5 years ago, Arjun Kapoor claims that the manual weighing machine would take one full circle because there weren't enough numbers on it to weight him. He was asthmatic at 22, couldn't run for more than 10 seconds at a stretch, was always grumpy, sluggish and temperamental. Not anymore. He has lost 65 Kgs in 4 years. The secret behind his inspiration? Salman Khan. “Salman bhai inspired me. He is the one who told me that I had acting talent in me, that I should not squander it just because I am this big lard of fat. He doesn't miss going to the gym regardless of what his timings are. He works out early in the morning without fail. Initially, I used to work out a lot with him, cycle from his house to film city. When you live with a person who is so aware of his body, you get inspired. I suppose the decision to lose weight happened when I decided to make acting a profession. Ultimately, 50 kilos is just a number. If I lost 40 and I looked as lean, then I'd be happy with it. I still want to lose five more,” says the actor.