Wirte to Mita
Dear Mita,
I am a 26-year-old single woman working in a private organisation. I really enjoy my work and am not in a hurry to get married. My parents would like me to tie the knot but at the moment are being patient. They are open to the idea of me choosing my own partner. The problem is at work. Lately one of my co-workers has been showing a lot of interest in me. It didn't bother me at first, in fact I enjoyed all the attention. But lately he has been dropping hints that he would like to send his parents to our house to talk to my parents. In fact I have come to know that he has already made his aunt talk to my aunt as they are colleagues at a school. I am very confused. I like him but am not in love with him. I want to wait a bit to get to know him but he seems to want to get married right away. I don't know what to say to him and honestly don't want to turn him down either as he really is a very nice person. Please help.
Dear Confused,
In such cases it is best to be completely honest. Just tell him that you like him and want to wait a little longer before deciding that he is the right life partner. However, assure him that there is no one else and he should not feel rejected. It is understandable that you don't want to say no to him outright. After all things might work out very well between you. As for not being in love, Well, as you know, all romantic relationships do not end in marriage and all marriages do not start with love. I think there is ample scope for you to think about this person seriously.
Dear Mita,
I am a graduate from a private university and working at a bank. It is a junior position although my boss is very pleased with me and hopefully I will get a promotion. I have a colleague who is constantly trying to sabotage me by withholding information to make me look bad or taking credit for things that I have done. He does this in a very sneaky way so that it is very hard to confront him. Moreover he is somehow related to my boss. I am really depressed about this as I don't know how to deal with it. If I tell my boss he may think I am just trying to badmouth my colleague. What should I do?
Dear Underdog,
Don't be too upset as these kind of things happen in most offices. You will just have to deal with it cleverly and outwit this person. Never show your anger but expose him in indirect ways. If you are doing a good job it will come out in the open no matter how much this person takes credit. Ultimately everyone will know that it was you. Please keep on working diligently and with full commitment, I don't think this person will be able to harm you in any way.
Dear Mita,
I am 19 and am madly in love with a 23-year-old woman. She is actually my friend's elder sister. We call her 'Apu' . I know it is a bit weird but every time I see her I feel more and more attracted to her. I think she knows and might even like me as I have found her staring at me sometimes. But I don't think my friend will like the idea at all and there seems to be no future in this love story. I feel like telling him sometimes because I am so close to him but what if everything changes and he decides not to be my friend anymore? I am in a dilemma. I almost told her that I loved her but somehow kept myself from doing that. This is not just a crush because I would like to have a serious relationship with her. So do I tell her? Or should I tell him and then tell her? All this tension is killing me day by day.
Dear Anonymous,
I know love has no age or boundaries but please be realistic. It is fine to have feelings for this person but wanting to have a serious relationship is taking it a bit far. Your friend will of course be upset, you would be too in such a situation. She staring at you does not mean anything, and in no way means that she is also in love with you. At the age of 23 young women start to plan for serious things such as career, marriage, family etc. My advise to you is divert your attention to something or someone else. I know this might sound cruel but I don't see any future in this. Moreover, you will surely lose the friendship of your friend. It is really not worth it.