Reaching your weight loss goals this summer
Now a lot of people may think that there cannot be any reason that summer could potentially aid in weight loss. But most people aiming to shed a few kilos start just after the New Year. This can either be because of New Year's resolutions or because they develop an unsightly bulge after wedding or rather the "biriyani season". This almost always fails, because your body doesn't want to lose weight in the cold. The best time to lose weight is summer.
And you are about to read why...
Nature's treats
During summer, nature provides you with the juiciest and best fruits and vegetables, which you can splurge on to lose weight. Summer is the time for watermelons and papayas. It's also the time for mangoes, lychees and jackfruit and though many nutritionists would shudder at the thought of having these sugar filled fruits, I wholeheartedly recommend having them over carb filled snacks and desserts.
The trick is in moderation. If you are hungry or craving a sugar rush, have half a mango or a few lychees. The sugar will help you make it through the day without grabbing an unhealthy dessert or a candy bar. On the other hand, the natural sugars in fruit are burned more easily than the sugar in desserts, which also contain a lot of fat.
Watermelons are the best thing you can have in this weather. They're cooling, have very low sugar count and are full of fibres. If you get tired of watermelons, chop up some watermelon, ripe papaya or oranges. Blend it into a refreshing and yummy smoothie. A big glass or two of this can be so filling that you can just have this and a piece of meat or fish for lunch or dinner. I promise you, this meal will not leave you hungry and will cool you down.
Experiment with summer fruits, cucumbers, carrots etc. and come up with your own blends. Not a smoothie person? Try salads, made with a combination of fruits, vegetables and a low fat dressing, or just use yoghurt. The only time of the year you can enjoy such a delicious array of fruits and veggies is summer!
Bananas are not that bad either. A banana is a better alternative to a slice of bread or a fried snack. Pineapples are great for those who want to lose weight as well. Pineapples are known to cut fat and in many cultures they are consumed with heavy meals, so that they can eat more. You on the other hand can have pineapples as a main part of a meal along with a protein, for a healthy yet low cal meal. Grapefruits are also a fruit to eat more in summer; the high vitamin C content helps in weight loss.
It's all about the hormones
People tend to eat less during summer. The heat makes it really difficult to enjoy heavy meals. Higher levels of serotonin (because of the sun) reduce some people's cravings for food. It may do the opposite for others, but for most people the humidity and the hormonal changes reduce appetite and the need to consume comfort foods like khichuri, daal-bhat-aloo bhorta or even pulao.
Make your workout work harder
Any exercise in warm weather especially yoga is more effective in the summer's heat. Yoga routines in the heat make the muscles work harder and make you sweat more. In fact many famous yoga gurus abroad are known to turn on heaters and maintain a warm temperature in their studios.
In any workout, the more you sweat, the more you'll lose. However, after exercise remember to rehydrate yourself with plenty of water. Because you'll lose a lot of salts with your sweat, you can also drink saline, Gatorade or coconut water. Never drink energy drinks, they are loaded with calories and absolutely not good for you.
In the summer move your workout outdoors, you'll enjoy your run or walk in the park more than if you're stuck at home or in the gym with a treadmill. Exercising outdoors is a great way of making new friends and getting some fresh air. You can start cycling, which is the favourite past-time of Dhaka's youth especially during hartals!
Some tricks and cheats
Add a spoonful of honey and some lemon juice to a glass of hot water and drink it before breakfast. Drinking hot water improves the functioning of the digestive system.
Mix 3 teaspoons of Isabghul in a glass of water and drink it before dinner.
Drinking two glasses of water before each meal will make you eat less.
Research has shown that eating in dim light, can make you overeat, always eat in a well lit area and don't watch TV while you are eating.
A small square of dark chocolate once a day will reduce cravings and hunger. Have it between breakfast and lunch.
Go for whole grain and whole meal. Red is good (except for meats). That means whole grain atta roti, wild rice or Low GI rice.
By Dr Naomi Mirza, Medical Expert at -- Bangladesh's first website dedicated to women.