Foraying Into The Online Seduction Community
Illustration: Tahmid
We’d be kidding ourselves if the internet wasn't filled with hopeful teenage men who deeply crave the attention and companionship of a woman. Those of you who are too young, you're all expecting a normal teenager; those of you who have been online for at least 7 to 9 years know that this type of the male species is usually someone who plays World of Warcraft or DotA all day and never steps out of his house. If anyone gets offended by the Warcraft references, I advise you to step outside of your house. The vitamin D will do you good if you want to ever get married. With the image of the said human being who's going downwards in the evolutionary ladder in mind, we look at how the internet addresses their need for women. No, this isn't about depraved things on the internet. This is about the internet's attempt at monetising on the insecurities and stupidities of the common man—The Seduction Community.
Objectifying women is given a new take in this community. There are internet forums filled with dating advice topics and invitations for $500 coaching lessons from famous 'pick-up artists' as they are called. Girls are always rated from 1-10 and men are taught to observe females like they are doing a NatGeo documentary on sabretoothed tigers. One common piece of advice I came across was "Practice a sexy smile in the mirror and flash it to the girl. Be assertive and make it obvious what you want". I put myself in a 15 year old sheltered teen's shoes and practised a sexy smile, then I went and flashed it to a co-worker. It took me at least 45 minutes to explain to my boss that I was not sexually harassing someone but merely doing research for an article. You see, guys nowadays complain about friendzoning but if this seduction community keeps this up, they'll complain about being jailzoned.
The next piece of advice involved something called "negging". It's about indirectly insulting a girl so she feels low about herself without getting offended. The example was "That's a really nice purse you got there but I think a white belt would've put it off nicely. Is it a gift?" This did not require me to do any research, because if I used that line on ANY girl, she'd instantly begin sending me hot pictures of men and asking me if I dig them or not.
And finally, the code-terms. AFC stands for Average Frustrated Chump, who is a man frustrated with women so he falls into the beta-male category. AMOG stands for Alpha Male of the Group, who is a God to pickup artists but is merely a man who simply enjoys life and tries to make himself a good man. And finally, Triangular Gazing, this is when you look into a woman's eyes, then down at her lips, then back to her eyes (as many times as you want). It's typically the lead-in to a kiss. The best way to tell if a girl wants to kiss you is to see if she's doing triangular gazing. C'mon lads, how many of you need to read on triangular gazing to know if a girl wants to kiss you or report you as a sex offender?
The majority of the community is awfully materialistic. Their whole idea revolves around bettering themselves and being someone who you are not for women. I mean, it's not cool if who you are is defined by picking your nose in public and being a skinhead but it's a free country; there might be a nose-picking neo-Nazi girl waiting for you. Why not be a better man for yourself?
References: seduction,