Everything is mushy-mushy
We all send out electrical pulses (or simply put, energy). The kind that reverberates through time and space, creating experiences and reflecting on how we are as people. Like when you think good, good happens. You think ugly, ugly happens. All the yogis and anyone who's into any kind of remotely spiritual (or otherwise) practice will tell you this.
By the same token, we speak -- like, talk and use our voices and words to echo what we experience. Because our tongues generally tend to move faster than our brains. More often than not, I also think we tend to spew our garbage in the form of words because it's easier to say something crass than filter it.
I find that with every passing day, I over-hear countless conversations which make me stop in my tracks, mostly in a good way. But then there's also the rather off-beat stuff which makes me want to question the kind of pulses we send out. Like how does a conversation between two people consist of semi-coherent noises like “ugh!” and “omigawd!” And “oooooooo” and still make sense to both parties, while neither have interjected a single noun, pronoun or adjective into the loop? Is it all just body language and pulses in there?
“Mushy-mushy!”, says a Japanese person when they pick up the phone.
“Mushy!”, says Joe or Jorina when they see some couple holding hands in public.
“Mushy mushy!!!”, says a German when he/she really wants to insult you and likens you to the female anatomy.
Now that's the opposite of off-beat. That's so in sync that we can use the same words but mean completely different things. Exactly the same way two different people might be sending out electrical pulses or saying something in exactly the same way, but really meaning two different things, like fire and ice. That makes me wonder -- are we all riding our own little wavelengths waiting to hop on to someone else's? Or do we just think our pulses are ours alone, to be used and treated with sole proprietorship? I say both make sense.
If we stopped long enough, we'd realise that our energy or pulses can actually get all sorts of tangled up with someone else's because we're both trying to grapple our way through the same kinds of situations. Like, what if what you're saying is really what someone else wants to say but is only vaguely communicating it with their body language or through their starry eyes and you've missed it because you're so keenly focused on being and doing your own thing. I think that sometimes the words we use are also very strong, but we miss the reason we're using them. Perhaps some part of our own electricity that's shocking us?
Perhaps it's about time this planet finally became some place where we can each find a way to communicate. To bend our energies in a way that doesn't hurt or belittle or take up too much of someone else's energy sphere. I'm not at all sure how that will happen, but I do know it's time for this to begin (it will, as you might imagine, take a while).
What's my wish? Biggest wish? It's that we all agree to see in each other what we're really saying and look into each other's eyes more because there's always going to be someone who knows some of what we're sharing and is on our wavelength. Even if for only an hour or a week, just being in a space which allows for an exchange without using as many words would be worth it. Doing it several times a year would be something I think we'd never forget.
But then again, I'm still practicing thinking of something good, so when I go outside I can do good. Still just trying to figure out how to explain to people half the things I'd like to... So you tell me!
Elizabeth Bass is a freelance marketing consultant, who'll pick a surfboard, under the sun over an office with no fun.