Comments on news report
“This will not end stalemate,” published on October 19, 2013
Nasirullah Mridha, USA
Last time when BNP was in power, AL declined to accept the very same proposal.
MH Khan
BNP is against the proposal because they are not interested in election; they are interested in grabbing power.
They are interested in election but not election by AL.
Molla A. Latif
This should at least open a gate to step in for an end to the stalemate created intentionally which could very well be avoided if BNP had opposed the amendment to the constitution without the provision of the CTG. Now if it is not CTG, let it be an all-party government in the interest of the country and the people.
S M Iftekhar Ahmed
As long as BNP thinks rationally and takes a concrete decision and avoids the politics of confrontation instead of listening to the ridiculous ideas of Jammat, this might actually work in their favour because people seem to be frustrated with the incumbent government and are looking for a change.
“JS can sit until polls schedule announced”(October 14, 2013)
For heaven's sake, if our PM and opposition leader think so dearly of our people, they should not let their infighting result in a civil war.
Molla A. Latif
But the leader of the opposition plans to bring the Doom's Day after 25th. Oct, 2013!!
Shahin Huq
Dear PM, your words are law in today's Bangladesh. You may not need to worry about the president's intervention. You are enough!