Cell phone etiquette
With nearly every human being on the planet over 12 years of age in ownership of a mobile phone, it is necessary to have a few guidelines regarding their use.
Save it for later
Certain discussions should not happen on the mobile phone. Arguments, for example, where you may not be able to control your emotions should not happen while you are driving, or even in full view of other people.
First of all, you will look insane. Secondly, you can cause a driving hazard or scare small children! Likewise, do not have conversations about your personal business. Passersby really do not want to hear such exchanges.
Excuse yourself
With the invention of wireless or near invisible mobile phone earplugs people cannot tell whether you are talking to them, someone on the mobile phone, or your invisible friend. Always say “excuse me” before starting a mobile phone conversation and politely turn away before speaking to your caller.
Keep it short
In a social situation where you are entertaining friends or clients, do not have long mobile phone conversations. It gives the impression that you do not value the time of the person in front of you.
Let it ring
The world is not going to stop spinning if you ignore your mobile phone ringer. If you are conducting important business, shopping, or even spending time with family, ignore the mobile phone and return your call later.
Listen to the flight attendant
If they tell you it will kill you, why do it? Do not use your mobile phone after take off or as your airplane is landing. Doing otherwise is nothing more than a defiant attitude. Mobile phones transmit strong signals that could interfere not only with aircraft systems, but also with ground-based communication at airports.
Using one mobile phone might not cause the airplane to fall from the sky like a fiery meteor, but if other people follow your lead… you never know!