Chaitra Shangkranti in true Maulvibazar style
Rural folks celebrate 'Chaitra Shangkranti,' the last day in the Bengali calendar, amidst much festivity in their unique way. 'Charak Puja' and 'Baruni' are features of the celebration among rural Hindus of Maulvibazar district. From time immemorial, these events are being observed throughout the region.
According to the Bangla Academy calendar, April 13 marks 'Chaitra Shangkranti.' But villagers still follow the old Bangla calendar and according to that, 'Chaitra Shangkranti' will be observed on April 14 this year.
'Charak Puja' and 'Baruni' organisers collect donations to arrange the festival. They have a unique but traditional technique of raising funds for the festival. Two members of the group are dressed as Lord Shiva and Goddess Gauri. The actors go from door to door dancing as the two deities and collect donations. This dance of Shiva and Gauri is quite popular among the villagers; musicians and singers accompany the actors for added effect.
After necessary funds have been collected, the organisers gather at an open space in the village. A wooden pillar is erected at the centre of the field/open space and ropes with iron hooks are attached to the pillar. Two devotees then pierce their backs with the hooks and stay suspended. Supposedly, their passion and devotion overcome their bodily senses and they feel no pain.
One (or more) individual in the get up of the goddess Kali dances at the venue of 'Charak Puja.' Some devotees even walk on burning charcoal. Thousands throng the venue to witness the miracles. On the occasion, a 'mela' (village fair) is set up at the venue of 'Charak Puja.' Traders put on display their goods, including sweets and toys.
In the past, 'Charak Puja' was held in several places of the district and people enjoyed the festival. But with changing times, these folk traditions are losing ground. 'Charak Puja' and 'Baruni' still get celebrations but at a reduced scale.
Local cultural activists and enthusiasts fear that if mass awareness and interest in rural traditions are not generated, celebrations like 'Chaitra Shangkranti' may soon become a thing of the past.