Role of ACC
The last caretaker govt declared a crusade against corruption. This crusade was directed by the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC). Many heavy weight ministers, MPs & other corrupt people were arrested. Even two former prime ministers were arrested. At that time the ACC was in an active mode but now it is silent.
After the election of 29 December, a political party came to power again. Now we watch the ACC's helplessness. At last on 4 February the prime minister said that they would reform the ACC. She complained that the ACC controlled politics instead of corruption. It harassed many innocent people. It also created minus two & minus one.
So, to ensure its independence, accuracy & accountability, it needs reform. After this speech of the prime minister Dr. Mozaffar Ahmed told the BBC that with this speech the ACC would lose its independence.
As an independent & constitutional entity we think the ACC will not work for any particular party.
Hope the government will act soon. It is our demand. Corruption must be controlled. We want a change...