Mosque incidents
It is a matter of great regret that over the appointment of the Khatib at the central mosque, sanctity of the House of Allah has been repeatedly undermined, that too with no sign of any settlement.
As we understand the CTG just before handing over power hurriedly appointed the present Khatib who is not reportedly acceptable to the majority devotees. There was no need for them to take the decision and it could have been left for the elected government to decide.
The Khatib is supposed to be the chief of Ulema of the country by virtue of his position and should be considered the most respected person in respect of religious authority. For such an exclusive post we need a well-qualified man of strong character and charisma. He is supposed to be a vastly learned man.
There should be a selection procedure by a board consisting of Ulema and religious scholars who should be trusted with the selection.