To President Bush…
Iraqi journalist Zeidi offered you a golden opportunity to tell the world that you possess at least some virtues. You are probably the most hated man in the world right now. What Zeidi has expressed by his act of throwing his shoes at you is the feeling of millions of people around the globe. You can realize that. The security police in Iraq can torture Zeidi; they have broken his arms and ribs, but they will not be able to break his spirit. You could have immediately stopped this, by forgiving him, by acknowledging that lot of people do hate you for the deeds you thought to be for a right cause. When a demonstrator was caught after throwing an egg at the British Prime Minister Harold Wilson, the great man forgave him and suggested that he join the British army as he possessed such a good aim at the target.
Will the hatred for you and your deeds be lessened if Zeidi is tortured or punished ? You may still come forward to show some of your virtues.