Unruly law enforcers!
Prior to my leaving the country, I was stunned to read the news that a group of Ansars went berserk, took the law in their hands and attacked the patients and their relatives, who all were standing in a queue, anxiously waiting for their turns at the out patients department of the BSMMU, over a silly incident. But was this a new incident? No! not at all. The Ansars, an auxiliary police force but under independent command, have been let loose in the past by the administration on unarmed innocent public. There seems to be no authority on top of them.
They apply their own rules in dealing with public wherever they are deployed on duty to assist the administration. In this particular incident, trouble started when the lone Ansar member responsible for maintaining order got himself involved as usual with the waiting patients and started distributing favours to the ones who were able to grease his palms and broke the normal code of justice. But what is astonishing, that after the incident this man was able to leave his place of duty, go back to his camp nearby and order out the rest of his colleagues to join him in their uniform with arms, swoop upon the poor patients and start beating them up right and left and at one stage took the lady patient and her relatives into custody. What a tragedy!
They are uniformed with or without arms and they easily get united to physically assault the public as and when some one protests their illegal actions or refuses to bribe them. Though such incidents are very common but only a few get reported. How can we claim to be a civilised nation?