<i>Burdwan House</i>
* The main office of Bangla Academy is located at the Burdwan House, once part of the University of Dhaka.
* Burdwan House was the official residence of the Prime Minister of the then East Pakistan, Nurul Amin, in 1952, when the Language Movement was at its peak.
* The very building that had seen the hatching of conspiracies against the Language Movement and unleashed the bloodbath of February 21, 1952, is now the symbol of Bangladeshi literary tradition and intellectualism.
* After the February 21 killings, the demand of transforming the house into a centre for 'Bangla Bhashar Gobeshonagar' (research centre for Bangla language) emerged.
* At present the 'Bhasha Andolan Jadughar' (Language Movement Museum) is located on the first floor of the house.