Bravo, climate heroes!
The HSBC-The Daily Star Climate Awards given to four private organisations and one government department on Friday -- for the third year in a
row -- has significance far greater than what meets the eye. Recognition of concrete achievements of individuals and organisations showcased some pioneering efforts at local capacity building in facing up to the climatic change challenges.
By rewarding them for their deeds we have not only honoured them but also us. In the process, the nation is benefited, and that is satisfying particularly in a month associated with the climactic phase of our national freedom struggle.
These awards in addition to spurring the achievers on to expanding their own frontiers will encourage others to follow in their footsteps. And, altogether their cumulative contribution to eco-friendly conservation of environment in the face of a phenomenon that threatens lives and livelihoods of millions around the world underlines our commitment to do our part as the international community strives to reach an agreement on reduction of carbon emissions. That Bangladesh, being one of the most vulnerable countries to changes in the climatic patterns, has taken it upon itself to meet the challenges where it can, is an enormously hope-giving sign.
The Butterfly Park Bangladesh Ltd, Kenpark Bangladesh Apparel (Pvt) Ltd, Prokriti O Jibon Foundation, Rural Services Foundation, Tangail Forest Division received the awards for their pioneering role in social business related to climatic effects mitigation ventures. They established the first butterfly-themed amusement park and green factory in garment sector; disseminated knowledge through biodiversity documentary, made renewable energy accessible to remote rural community; and turned predators into collaborators in the conservation of Modhupur forest through associating the community.
The climate heroes have shown that with the right tools we can forge ahead in responding to the challenge of climactic changes. All they need is facilitation from the government.