“Whose footpath is this?â€
I completely agree with Khandaker Zia Hasan who said in his recent letter, published in your daily on December 5th, that our footpaths are being unnecessarily blocked, causing major problems to the pedestrians. Unfortunately, the example he cited isn't the only one. A bit ahead of the Mohakhali Masjid, at Amtoli bus stand, a part of a footpath is being used by some people for collecting money for the construction of a mosque. Apart from that, they create unnecessary noise using speakers, which causes great disturbance to the nearby South Point School and the residents of that area. The R&H department has a makeshift tenement there. The noise causes discomfort to the sick, elderly and infants. Despite numerous protests, no action has been taken against this. We hope the authorities concerned will read this letter and help clean the environment.