Klaus Staeck's poster exhibition at Goethe-Institut
Goethe-Institut has organised a poster exhibition titled 'Nothing is Done' featuring the works of German poster artist Klaus Staeck at its premises in Dhanmondi.
The posters depict environmental issues in a satirical and entertaining way, which simultaneously express vital messages on how to save our environment and surrounding atmosphere. He has made over 300 posters in the past 40 years of which 40 selected posters are on display. Through his posters, he has been fighting against social ills such as ignorance, superstition and bigotry. Most of his posters centre on climate change, air and water pollution, nuclear waste and pollution of oceans and surrounding atmosphere. Texts attached along with the images are also interesting and significant. For the understanding of local visitors, the German texts have been translated into Bangla.
One of his posters depicts some vertical thin lines in a large uncultivated land. The lines have a lyrical touch. Another poster reveals dry trees in a symbolic way. Water pollution has been featured mockingly in an image which demonstrates a dead fish in a jar.
Klaus Staeck, born in 1938 in Pulsnitz, Germany, is the president of the Academy of Arts in Berlin.
The exhibition will continue till August 23.