Pre-Ramadan hike in essentials price
During Ramadan, some dishonest businessmen try to make profits unethically by hiking up prices of basic commodities. Sometimes the price rises to such a height that it goes beyond the means of lower and middle income people. And every year we see the government takes steps to rein in the price.
But the ground realities show a different picture. In practice, the government initiatives are too little compared to the need to feel its impact in the local market. This year the prices of sugar, egg, oil, onion, garlic and potato has already started to soar ahead of Ramadan.
The hoarding tendency of some unscrupulous traders for making excess profits during Ramadan aggravates the situation. The government should impose ban on hoarding of basic commodities and fix the prices of all commodities. Constant monitoring should be in place side by side with mobile court. Every market should have a Local Market Monitoring Committee (LMMC) comprising senior citizens of the locality.
The mass people should know the fair price fixed by the government. If anomalies are found they should immediately inform the LMMC for necessary actions. Finally holding talks with the business bodies on a regular basis can improve the situation to a great extent.