Stress on more recognition for corporate women
It is not just finding a balance between work and home; women need to get better working environment, recognition and positive attitude from their male counterparts at office to reach the top positions in the corporate world, speakers said at an event yesterday.
“Primarily, it's a woman who makes the decision to choose the sector she wants to excel in. However, every year many talented women leave work due to a lack of cooperation at home and work,” said Rupali Chowdhury, managing director of Berger Paints Bangladesh Ltd.
She spoke at the inauguration of International Conference on Corporate Women Leadership organised by Rapport Bangladesh, a management services organisation, at Sonargaon Hotel in Dhaka.
Chowdhury said women professionals should make their plan properly to gain expertise at work and change mindset while handling motherhood.
“One has to prepare in a way so she doesn't have to quit work just to raise a baby. One has to have courage and supportive environment both at home and work.”
Commerce Minister GM Quader said the government has several programmes to empower women.
Organisers honoured Nahar Jamil, chairperson of Bandbox, and Selima Ahmed, vice chairperson of Nitol-Niloy Group, with corporate woman executive awards for their contribution in their respective field.
M Mosharraf Hossain, chairman of Rapport Bangladesh Ltd, presided over the session, while Rita Bhimani, director of Ritam Communication, India, and Sharu S Rangnekar, a training and management expert in India, also spoke.