Speak up, don't suffer in silence
Last year a large number of women have been victimised by their husbands' brutality. The question is what turns a common man into a monster? Society and religion teach men to take control over their wives and women to be submissive to her husband. Man in this society cannot endure the fact that his wife is more educated and qualified than him. Our general mindset is that the husband should be more educated than his wife.
Both Rumana's and Jui's cases are the horrid examples of this. Both of them ended up becoming the victim of their husbands' brutality, just because their husbands couldn't stand their higher qualifications.
Now the question is what is the way to get rid of this problem? To eradicate this deep-rooted problem, parents should teach their sons to be liberal and daughters to be vocal about their rights. It is very disappointing that to marry off a daughter, most of the parents look for a man having higher educational qualification than their daughter.
It is 21st century, a time when women are called the agent of change. The change will never happen if women endure all these physical, psychological and emotional tortures inside their own home, by their own husbands. I want to tell all those thwarted wives, don't suffer in silence, speak up.