Relocate the tanneries
I live near Hazaribagh Government Leather College, Dhaka. We cannot sleep well at night because of the noise coming from the tanneries. The noise becomes louder at dead of night. About 90 percent tanneries of the country are located at Hazaribagh. So nobody wants to stay here. Even the tannery owners do not live in the area.
Re-used chemicals from the big factories are being used by the small factories which is more dangerous for the workers as well as for the environment. The most dangerous chemicals used in the tanneries are Manganese, Chromium, Sulfur, Lead, and Copper.
These chemicals damage lungs and cause respiratory diseases such as asthma and bronchitis. These toxic substances also damage our eyes and the nervous system. Toxic wastes are thrown here and there on the roads and get washed away when it rains. They block the sewerage system and flood the roads and pavements.
We are the citizens of an independent country. We pay taxes. We abide by the rules of the country. Then why should we suffer? I would like to draw the kind attention of the prime minister regarding shifting the tanneries from this area as soon as possible.