Historical facts
I have been reading some of Prof. Muntasir Mamun's articles and I find them hilariously funny and to the point. His article (Colonel Shaheb gets angry) about Oli Ahmed's distortion of our liberation history and its dissection was not only great but it was also necessary.
The article is not only comical but it also shows how history of a country can be changed if enough people get their theses approved by their non-critical supervisors and external examiners (might not even existed!). It basically involves writing up some stories around certain famous or infamous people and take it to the finish line.
The new theses, based on mainly presumptions, lies and self-gratifying exaggerations, will now be used as solid references for the next generations of new theses. And, in no time, people who opposed Bangladesh independence would be portrayed as heroes while the true freedom fighters can be shown as villains of 1971 liberation war.
It is strange that this is happening right in front of many of our surviving witnesses of that war. Historical facts should be challenged and those challenges are expected but the rebuttals should be fast before the non-believers go for the next historical fact. I do not know how long Prof. Mamun can fight this war alone.