Constitution amendment
The newspapers reports suggest that a constitution review committee has been formed to examine the possible changes that could be made to return to original 72 constitution.
The members have already met in a meeting. It has been reported in the press that there were hot debates and differences of opinions between the members of the committee on issues like whether to keep or delete "Bismillah-he-Rahmanir Rahim"and "Islam as the State Religion", the additions made by past two military dictators Gen. Zia and Gen. Erashad.
Both of them did this just to use the religious sentiments of the people of Bangladesh.
As far as Ershad's state religion is concerned, he equated Islam with other state symbols like "Doel as National Bird, Jackfruit as National fruit, Royal Bengal Tiger as National wild animal, Shapla as National Flower" etc. Instead of glorifying the best religion in the world, he had actually lowered the Islam equating it with other national symbols.
In Bangladesh more than 80% people are rural and 20% are city dwellers. The most of the rural dwellers including some percentage of city dwellers are very much sincere believers of Islam. In this 20th century most of them believe the hawkers who sell their harbal medicines in rural markets telling the people that his medicines are found in dreams, they take pani-para
(water blown by mouth by their imams or pirs) and cure all diseases including cancer. They also believe that if he puts one of his children to madrasa, he will be pulled to the Heaven by this child.
From time immemorial, many pirs, people with religious dresses exploited the people. Not only Zia-Ershad, there are many so-called politicians who are using Islam as their stools to master support from these people.
It is a simple ploy and nothing else. Let them continue their exploitation. At a certain stage these very innocent people will realise that the religious politicians are fake when they will find their real identity of militancy. Only modern education will create awareness in them.