Secular states
I hear many legal opinions that secularity is not possible with a State religion, faith in Allah and the starting words Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. This of course is not true because Great Britain has a State religion and a State Church and a religious preamble to all legislations ( as has the United States with its trust in God and Christianity) but none of these hinder secularity in practice because this is a legal concept and not religious. Provided laws are brought in to prevent favouritism on the basis of religion, colour , or creed, or on any other basis, and everyone is given a fair and equal chance on jobs, education and other civic entitlements, on merit or other stipulated transparent criteria, then the country will be secular. If such laws are broken there should be heavy penalties imposed by courts for such non compliance. There is simply no conflict between practical secularity and religion and it is not necessary to stipulate that the country is secular in the Constitution either. Bringing in laws to enforce equality of entitlement is a practical guarantor of secularity as in the west.