Online addiction!
I think Twitter, Myspace and Facebook are social networks helping people to communicate with others. Just think about the cousin or friend who's now abroad. Without the social networks, would it be possible to connect with them every day? You can see their activities online now on your homepage. Okay, let's not go far. It is connecting us with the relatives who're in the city or outside Dhaka. We can meet friends every day at schools and workplaces, but not our relatives.
We're getting important notifications about classes and exams through online groups and communities. Suppose tomorrow there will be an extra class, I'm getting that information from the online groups. So there are sunny sides of social networks. Indeed, it is true that these networks can be very distracting sometimes for the students. Sometimes we're spending too much time. Twitter and Facebook are always in our heads. And needless to say, this is hampering studies. Another thing is, previously we're very much fond of books. Reading habit is declining to a great extent as online networks and games are rapidly becoming means to pastime which is a matter of concern. This happens because we don't just check out the Facebook pages and log out, rather we keep browsing or play Farmville, or else keep commenting on our pals' status updates and photo albums! Well, this may be natural. There's always an urge in humans to communicate with others as they're social beings. But there's a remedy too. No disease is incurable.
I think students should be aware of the time they're spending online, not more than a specific amount of time should be spent there.