Sometimes it seems like we live in an Alice-in-Wonderland world. Here you will find hardly anybody who will oblige you by paying heed to your torment. Life is fraught with countless problems, unprecedented difficulties and unbearable hardships. Yet, every five years you will get lots of pledges affirming that, life will be no short of paradise in the days to come provided you give a mere chance by electing the political person who is ardently waiting to eradicate your unabated troubles. He will provide you with uninterrupted power supply, pure potable drinking water, a city devoid of traffic jam and so on. He comes to assure you that you can move freely anywhere without danger no matter what reading the time-piece gives you by then. Yes, I am talking about a life in Bangladesh where promises are often left unfulfilled. Likewise, this government also asked us to lend our trust to them so did we. Following the above chronicle the reality came out in a way that is now taking toll on us. Like a precious fool, we all have started dreaming this country to be digital before long though price hiking, power outage, gas and water crisis did not give a halt yet. We could not manage to afford a dish of rice for everybody yet, to be digital is a thing of distant future. My entreaty to the government, please take some fruitful measures to meet the rudimentary problems first. All we want is a serene life where there is no crying for foods, no grudges against electricity, no complaints about shelters.
We may not overcome our limitations overnight but can try to make this land a little more liveable. We would like to dream this country as a utopia. To dream costs nothing.