Peril of Yaba
Yaba has been sorted out to be a dangerous drug which may damage the entire nervous system of an individual if taken on a regular basis.
Yaba is a mixture of methamphetamine (a powerful and addictive stimulant) and caffeine. Yaba is known in Thailand as crazy medicine. It is mainly produced in Southeast and East Asia. Users generally place it in aluminum foil and heat it from the below. As the tablet melts, vapour rises and is inhaled. The drug may also be used in the form of powder or may be injected with a solvent. Individuals who use Yaba face the same risks as users of other forms of methamphetamine : rapid heart rate, increased blood pressure, and damage of the small blood vessels in the brain that can lead to stroke. Chronic use of the drug can result in inflammation of the heart lining. Overdose can also cause hypothermia (elevated body temperature) convulsions and even death. Individuals who use Yaba also may have episode of violent behaviour, paranoia, anxiety, confusion and insomnia. Although it is taken orally, people who inject it risks contracting HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) hepatitis B and C and other blood borne viruses. Interestingly, the main ingredient of Yaba which is methamphetamine was originally used in nasal decongestants, bronchial inhalers, and in the treatment of narcolepsy and obesity. In 1970 methamphetamine became a schedule II drug--high potential for abuse. The drug has more side effects such as it works directly on the brain and on spinal cord by interfering with normal neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are chemical substances naturally produced within nerve cells used to communicate with each other and send messages to influence and regulate our thinking and all other systems throughout the body. The main neurotransmitter affected by methamphetamine is dopamine. Dopamine is involved with our natural reward system. For example, feeling good about a job well done. Methamphetamine is a synthetic drug and has a high potential for abuse and dependence. It is illegally produced and sold in pill form, capsules, powder and in chunks. All concerned as well as the law enforcing agencies must come forward and make an appeal to all to give up drug abuse.
Let there be a slogan to start the campaign against the drugs 'Your life is a gift of God, don't ruin it'.