Chaotic situation in Pakistan ripe for another coup
With the political situation in Pakistan witnessing a tumultuous time following the Supreme Court's verdict declaring the special amnesty law, the National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO), as 'unconstitutional' rumours are rife that the country is headed towards yet another stint of military rule.
During a political commentary on Pakistan, the US Congress funded Radio Free Liberty (RFE), while expressing concern over the troubled nation's present state, expressed fears of a military coup.
"Conditions in Pakistan have been ripening, like the mango fruit eaten there, for another military coup. The economy has slumped, corruption is rampant, and terrorism is endemic. People are losing faith in the officials they brought to power," the commentary said.
The commentary written by Jamsheed Choksy, a professor of Central Eurasian, Indian, Iranian, Islamic, and international studies, highlighted that amid the crisis Pakistan's judiciary has emerged as a powerful player, but the military would ultimately emerge as the 'national saviours'.
"This time, the soldiers may not have to use guns and tanks. They can bide their time until the elected government descends into chaos, then march in as national saviours. But the country's judiciary is swiftly becoming a player to be reckoned with too," it said.
"President Asif Ali Zardari also faces the possibility of 12 corruption charges being reinstated. Worse, the Supreme Court has suggested that the government ask Switzerland to reopen a money-laundering investigation against him that was dropped on grounds of poor mental health. Under Pakistani law, Zardari, mocked as a highly corrupt 'Mr 10 Per cent', cannot be prosecuted while he is president," it added.
The commentary pointed out that even if Zardari succeeds to hold onto his chair for the time being, Pakistan's democratic set-up is facing major threats from different quarters.
"Pakistan's armed forces often are expected to lead the nation in times of political uncertainty. As the generals remain silent, it is left to the government of President Zardari to deny the possibility of its ouster. Even if the civilian government survives the current legal crisis, it might not have long left in running Pakistan owing to the other mounting problems there," it said.