Comments on post editorial
“Chittagong arms haul and our intelligence agencies,” published on February 06, 2014
Thank you for presenting us with an insight into the issues concerned. When will our military, intelligence agencies, and other associated state organs in the administration work together?
Dear Brig. Gen. Khan,
I am curious to know how a policeman could bring this case to the attention of the public and the media, when two top military intelligence officers were directly involved in bringing the consignment. Why didn't they get hold of the consignment and take possession of it secretly? Was it impossible? How come a policeman had the guts to ignore 'red eyes' of the two top military men? There is something fishy in all of it.
“Cash, not crest!” (February 09, 2014)
M. Ashraf
We also cut just a joke when we say that filthy, greedy bigots and dacoits run the country.
People should present him with torn shoes and slippers and if he protests, they can say it's a joke.
He is great! He is a real politician!
“Open trade with illegal gas lines” (February 08, 2014)
Nasirullah Mridha, USA
Titas, Petro Bangla in connivance with local ruling party leaders started this dishonest trade. After the one-sided election, the ruling party activists, leaders are now more desperate to plunder the state properties.
Absolutely correct.