Tawsif Mahmud


The pavements are hotter in winter, the rain never wets the asphalt and I never tell you to do anything else other than “be”. 

11m ago

Cosmopolitan Dream

I see you, with whatever half awake, sleep drifting irises, I see you. Dusted in the shelves of unread books, I see you and I know you, They will never know you but I do, in ways you are afraid.

1y ago
September 21, 2023
September 21, 2023


The pavements are hotter in winter, the rain never wets the asphalt and I never tell you to do anything else other than “be”. 

July 17, 2023
July 17, 2023

Cosmopolitan Dream

I see you, with whatever half awake, sleep drifting irises, I see you. Dusted in the shelves of unread books, I see you and I know you, They will never know you but I do, in ways you are afraid.

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