The sword in my hand glared at me. I looked at my timorous figure in the shiny foible, and bluntly saw the Queen of The Whites in her regal bearings and magisterial beauty stand behind me.
The sword in my hand glared at me. I looked at my timorous figure in the shiny foible, and bluntly saw the Queen of The Whites in her regal bearings and magisterial beauty stand behind me.
The sword in my hand glared at me. I looked at my timorous figure in the shiny foible, and bluntly saw the Queen of The Whites in her regal bearings and magisterial beauty stand behind me.
The sword in my hand glared at me. I looked at my timorous figure in the shiny foible, and bluntly saw the Queen of The Whites in her regal bearings and magisterial beauty stand behind me.