Sarah Wasifa

String Telephones

"The city heat swells and dips between the concrete."

2y ago

5 Underrated Animated Movies You Cannot Miss

Given the brilliance of these movies, you wouldn’t want to miss them.

2y ago


It was 7:40, and he’s been waiting on the other side of the glass, waiting for a certain routine to fall into place, a disassembled camera long forgotten on the counter: a minute till his father came in for his daily dose of my-son-is-a-disappointment tirade,

2y ago


His mind itched to remember something, something lost down the back of a sofa, a copper penny just out of his reach.

2y ago


There it is. There it is again. The only bar of soap dunked in the sink. How repulsive.

2y ago

To You, After 11 years: The End of Attack on Titan

The excitement for a great finale is reaching a fever pitch.

3y ago

Untitled, 2018

A pencil bag was found in the examination hall no. 3 on Sunday.

3y ago

A Curious Case of Mini-Mania

If you've ever stopped scrolling to look at a tiny cake, or even diminutive succulents, you're not alone in your admiration. But the question still stands, and it's a curious one at that: what is there to love in a miniature?

3y ago
May 21, 2020
May 21, 2020


I was adopted on October 19, 1996.

May 7, 2020
May 7, 2020


Ever since the onset of the Covid-19 crisis, horrifying news has become an overwhelming yet regular part of our lives.

March 26, 2020
March 26, 2020

No More Pretending

For many, life went on during the war. Balconies were off-limits, beds were dismantled, valuables – buried. Offices ran at full capacity, spurred by the fear of being killed for missing days, as had been the case for many.

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