Pial Islam

The writer is Managing Partner at pi Strategy Consulting, a management consulting firm.

Can informal digital commerce bring women's financial inclusion?

When talking about financial inclusion, we often focus on closing the gender gap in financial account ownership as a means of empowering women.

5y ago

Towards a cash-lite Bangladesh

Cash is king. That age-old saying is up for a rethink today. The world has since transitioned from monarchies (with kings and queens)

6y ago

Strategic intuition holds the key to success

In business, and sometimes in life, we are constantly in search of the next big opportunity. Historically, next big opportunities

6y ago

What Dhaka may look like in 2071

It is easily conceivable that BBC would run a special feature titled “Dhaka: The City That Once Was” in 2071 as it celebrates 100 years of Bangladesh's independence. Dhaka's liveability, or lack thereof, is already a subject of much interest. But how do we avoid that near-certain predicament 50 years down the road? What can we do today?

6y ago

The Nakshikantha approach to healthcare

An intricately woven IT platform could incorporate electronic health records, digital payments and other technologies.

7y ago

A puzzle worth solving

Why is it that the mention of mobile banking creates such a polarising set of reactions among many people?

9y ago
March 10, 2019
March 10, 2019

Can informal digital commerce bring women's financial inclusion?

When talking about financial inclusion, we often focus on closing the gender gap in financial account ownership as a means of empowering women.

August 12, 2018
August 12, 2018

Towards a cash-lite Bangladesh

Cash is king. That age-old saying is up for a rethink today. The world has since transitioned from monarchies (with kings and queens)

April 19, 2018
April 19, 2018

Strategic intuition holds the key to success

In business, and sometimes in life, we are constantly in search of the next big opportunity. Historically, next big opportunities

April 7, 2018
April 7, 2018

What Dhaka may look like in 2071

It is easily conceivable that BBC would run a special feature titled “Dhaka: The City That Once Was” in 2071 as it celebrates 100 years of Bangladesh's independence. Dhaka's liveability, or lack thereof, is already a subject of much interest. But how do we avoid that near-certain predicament 50 years down the road? What can we do today?

April 8, 2017
April 8, 2017

The Nakshikantha approach to healthcare

An intricately woven IT platform could incorporate electronic health records, digital payments and other technologies.

August 20, 2015
August 20, 2015

A puzzle worth solving

Why is it that the mention of mobile banking creates such a polarising set of reactions among many people?

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