Md. Ashabur Rahman

Legal basis for circular economy transition

A circular economy is a process of manufacturing products for reusing through recycling the existing materials. It is based on three principles i.e., eliminating pollution, circulating materials, and regenerating nature.

2y ago

Equilibrium within international economic and environmental laws

The implications of international economic law for transferring environment-friendly technologies and protecting non-economic values have become a major concern in governing economic relations around the world. In the last decades, the international environmental laws have had noteworthy influence on international economic law. It is vitally important that the industrialised countries actively play their role to decrease carbon footprints on the planet.

2y ago
August 19, 2022
August 19, 2022

Legal basis for circular economy transition

A circular economy is a process of manufacturing products for reusing through recycling the existing materials. It is based on three principles i.e., eliminating pollution, circulating materials, and regenerating nature.

March 26, 2022
March 26, 2022

Equilibrium within international economic and environmental laws

The implications of international economic law for transferring environment-friendly technologies and protecting non-economic values have become a major concern in governing economic relations around the world. In the last decades, the international environmental laws have had noteworthy influence on international economic law. It is vitally important that the industrialised countries actively play their role to decrease carbon footprints on the planet.

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