Manjur Ahmed

7 secrets to managing Gen Y

Generation Y or Gen Y, also known as millennials, is the fastest growing workforce in the corporate world.

6y ago

10 cost-cutting hacks for small businesses

Running your own business means far more freedom and prospective income than working for someone else.

7y ago

The boomerang effect

How to ensure a positive outcome when re-hiring former employees

7y ago

How to plan for an active retirement

Learn how to take a positive approach towards retirement and make adjustments along the way.

7y ago

The power of apology

An apology says more than just “I am sorry.”

7y ago

The four colleagues you need at work

The potential benefits of having different types of co-workers are immeasurable for any individual, and these benefits ultimately help you grow and prosper in the organisation.

7y ago

Dealing with the unemployment blues

Unemployment is a serious situation which is feared by the vast majority of people. Not only can having to tell people about your jobless status be shameful and embarrassing, but without a regular source of income, the possibility of financial hardship can be difficult and can also bring an unwanted change to your lifestyle.

8y ago

Unusual ways to boost employee productivity

Creating a workplace filled with happy employees isn't as challenging as we might think. And it isn't about fatter pay checks.

8y ago
September 29, 2017
September 29, 2017

7 secrets to managing Gen Y

Generation Y or Gen Y, also known as millennials, is the fastest growing workforce in the corporate world.

September 1, 2017
September 1, 2017

10 cost-cutting hacks for small businesses

Running your own business means far more freedom and prospective income than working for someone else.

August 11, 2017
August 11, 2017

The boomerang effect

How to ensure a positive outcome when re-hiring former employees

February 17, 2017
February 17, 2017

How to plan for an active retirement

Learn how to take a positive approach towards retirement and make adjustments along the way.

December 23, 2016
December 23, 2016

The power of apology

An apology says more than just “I am sorry.”

October 7, 2016
October 7, 2016

The four colleagues you need at work

The potential benefits of having different types of co-workers are immeasurable for any individual, and these benefits ultimately help you grow and prosper in the organisation.

May 20, 2016
May 20, 2016

Dealing with the unemployment blues

Unemployment is a serious situation which is feared by the vast majority of people. Not only can having to tell people about your jobless status be shameful and embarrassing, but without a regular source of income, the possibility of financial hardship can be difficult and can also bring an unwanted change to your lifestyle.

February 26, 2016
February 26, 2016

Unusual ways to boost employee productivity

Creating a workplace filled with happy employees isn't as challenging as we might think. And it isn't about fatter pay checks.

January 29, 2016
January 29, 2016

Say goodbye to performance appraisal

Michelle Obama, the first lady of the United States of America said that if her “future was determined just by my performance on a standardised test, I wouldn't be here. I guarantee you that.” Employers think they should do performance reviews, but the truth is employees rarely enjoy this process. But can we eliminate annual reviews completely? Why do employers hate doing them and employees hate getting them? Do we need to change the overall process?

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