“Chaya Shikari” to air on Maasranga Television on May 29
Telefilm "Chhaya Shikari", produced by Kazi Riton under the banner of Black & White production, will air on May 29 at 8 pm on Maasranga Television.
Written by Rafiqul Anowar Russell and directed by Morshed Himadri Himu, the thriller stars popular artistes such as Manoj Pramanik, Tasnuva Tisha and Naziba Basher.
The supporting cast of the film includes Masum Basher, Milli Basher, Mukit Zakariya, Hindol Roy, Rimu Reza, Arnab Antu, Emran Robin and Fiona.
"The story is first of its kind for our television screens," says Manoj Pramanik. "It's a thriller, but with a unique psychological element to it." Manoj commented that he appreciates the way the story is portrayed, without showcasing any kind of violence.
Tasnuva Tisha said that she was excited about the production. "The role is very special to me. It gave me complete freedom to act in this exciting genre," she said.
Naziba Basher shared the same enthusiasm for her character named Maria -- an aspiring heroine trying the restart her career in films, while trying to maintain a happy marriage. "What I loved most is that the entire unit worked as a compact team. My co-actors were all extraordinarily cooperative," she says.
Through this project, the cast and crew of the film are trying to develop the different styles of storytelling for television media, which is highly appreciable.