machine unlearning

Machine unlearning: Making AI 'forget' instead of 'learning'

With machine learning-based chatbots comes the ever-present worry of inaccuracies and unreliable information. As such, a new type of discipline within the realm of AI is being introduced: machine unlearning, which aims to make AI-generated output more reliable and safe by making the model 'forget' information instead of 'learning' new ones.

December 11, 2023
December 11, 2023

Machine unlearning: Making AI 'forget' instead of 'learning'

With machine learning-based chatbots comes the ever-present worry of inaccuracies and unreliable information. As such, a new type of discipline within the realm of AI is being introduced: machine unlearning, which aims to make AI-generated output more reliable and safe by making the model 'forget' information instead of 'learning' new ones.

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