Feng Shui Decor

The Art of Feng Shui — Inviting Chi and Zen into Your Home

Feng means ‘air’ and Shui means ‘water’ and according to Taoist vision, Chi is the understanding that the land (wood, fire, earth, metal and water) is alive and buzzing with energy. Together, Feng Shui believes in harnessing the energies of the environment to bring good luck, health, and positive energy into living spaces and thereby, into lives.

June 7, 2022
June 7, 2022

The Art of Feng Shui — Inviting Chi and Zen into Your Home

Feng means ‘air’ and Shui means ‘water’ and according to Taoist vision, Chi is the understanding that the land (wood, fire, earth, metal and water) is alive and buzzing with energy. Together, Feng Shui believes in harnessing the energies of the environment to bring good luck, health, and positive energy into living spaces and thereby, into lives.

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