feminist discourse

‘Animal’ and the cultural politics of Muslim demonisation in Bollywood

Since 9/11, Indian cinema has played a strong role in normalising anti-Islam sentiments with repeated portrayals of Islamic terrorism

Opinion / Living a feminist killjoy life

The way we perceive the word “emotion” through the gendered lens contributes to systematic oppression because it dismisses those who fall under the umbrella of the emotional radar and it is easier to silence their voices as emotional beings because they are often, according to the patriarchal society, deemed as unstable, illogical, or disoriented.

January 14, 2024
January 14, 2024

‘Animal’ and the cultural politics of Muslim demonisation in Bollywood

Since 9/11, Indian cinema has played a strong role in normalising anti-Islam sentiments with repeated portrayals of Islamic terrorism

August 26, 2023
August 26, 2023

Living a feminist killjoy life

The way we perceive the word “emotion” through the gendered lens contributes to systematic oppression because it dismisses those who fall under the umbrella of the emotional radar and it is easier to silence their voices as emotional beings because they are often, according to the patriarchal society, deemed as unstable, illogical, or disoriented.

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