Dad's Army
As in the original TV series that ran from 1968 to 1977, the new film follows the exploits of the Home Guard Platoon, stationed in the fictional town of Walmington-on-Sea during the Second World War. The film stars Toby Jones as the pompous Captain Mainwaring, Bill Nighy as the languid and genteel Sergeant Wilson, Bill Paterson as the abrasive Private Frazer and Michael Gambon as the ancient, pacifist Private Godfrey. The script, by Hamish McColl, aims to make enough changes to the original to create something new, pushing the action forward from the early years of the war to just before D-Day.
So adored is the series that even some of the present cast thought that the whole thing was a dreadful idea at first; Nighy has said that he thought the producers were out of their minds. The film is slated for release on 5th February and then we'll see if this can truly hold a candle to the beloved original.