A. Z. M. Arman Habib

Ensure justice for involuntary disappearance

Recognised as a human rights violation back in 1970s, enforced or involuntary disappearance is now unanimously accepted as one of the gravest crimes in today's world.

8y ago

Education should be equally accessible

Education is both a human right in itself and an indispensable means of realising other human rights.

9y ago

Father's right to paternity leave

A mother usually bears the main responsibility of childcare work in family life. Father's has also duty to take care of both mother and child. Father plays a

9y ago
March 29, 2016
March 29, 2016

Ensure justice for involuntary disappearance

Recognised as a human rights violation back in 1970s, enforced or involuntary disappearance is now unanimously accepted as one of the gravest crimes in today's world.

August 25, 2015
August 25, 2015

Education should be equally accessible

Education is both a human right in itself and an indispensable means of realising other human rights.

July 7, 2015
July 7, 2015

Father's right to paternity leave

A mother usually bears the main responsibility of childcare work in family life. Father's has also duty to take care of both mother and child. Father plays a

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