Sudeb Kumar Biswas

Sudeb Kumar Biswas is an education professional working for United Nations in Bangladesh. He serves as an executive member of Vivekananda Study and Cultural Organization, Bangladesh.

Why mother tongue is important

A large number of Bangladeshi children start their schooling with a foreign/alien language and their mother tongue is almost banned there.

5y ago

Revisiting Vivekananda's philosophy on education

Swami Vivekananda insightfully defined education as “the manifestation of the perfection already in man.” Here, “perfection” refers to a range of abilities and talents that exist within us and “manifestation” refers to bringing those out.

5y ago
February 19, 2019
February 19, 2019

Why mother tongue is important

A large number of Bangladeshi children start their schooling with a foreign/alien language and their mother tongue is almost banned there.

January 9, 2019
January 9, 2019

Revisiting Vivekananda's philosophy on education

Swami Vivekananda insightfully defined education as “the manifestation of the perfection already in man.” Here, “perfection” refers to a range of abilities and talents that exist within us and “manifestation” refers to bringing those out.

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