Aisha Binte Abdur Rob

How faith actors can help fight Covid-19 crisis

The catastrophic public health impact of the Covid-19 crisis has sent the world reeling, but its full ramifications have only begun to unfold.

4y ago

Cohesive education is key to continued development

From being dismissed as a “basket case” at birth to being hailed as a “development surprise” for some years now, there are few parallels to the Bangladeshi development success story thus far.

4y ago

ICC and Myanmar: Impunity ended or extended?

The recent decision of the International Criminal Court's Pre-Trial Chamber recognising the Court's jurisdiction over Myanmar's alleged crimes against humanity has been hailed as breaking new ground in the Rohingya crisis and in the pursuit of international criminal justice more broadly.

5y ago

From Transition to Transformation

Choices of transitional justice mechanisms have to be sensitive to the practical limits of justice in a society transitioning from military

6y ago
May 8, 2020
May 8, 2020

How faith actors can help fight Covid-19 crisis

The catastrophic public health impact of the Covid-19 crisis has sent the world reeling, but its full ramifications have only begun to unfold.

February 22, 2020
February 22, 2020

Cohesive education is key to continued development

From being dismissed as a “basket case” at birth to being hailed as a “development surprise” for some years now, there are few parallels to the Bangladeshi development success story thus far.

September 18, 2018
September 18, 2018

ICC and Myanmar: Impunity ended or extended?

The recent decision of the International Criminal Court's Pre-Trial Chamber recognising the Court's jurisdiction over Myanmar's alleged crimes against humanity has been hailed as breaking new ground in the Rohingya crisis and in the pursuit of international criminal justice more broadly.

October 31, 2017
October 31, 2017

From Transition to Transformation

Choices of transitional justice mechanisms have to be sensitive to the practical limits of justice in a society transitioning from military

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