Maduro announces curbs to cheap gas in Venezuela
President Nicolas Maduro announced that from now on Venezuela's dirt-cheap fuel will be available only to people with a special government aid card that the opposition has denounced as a tool for controlling people.
The government of the economically-ravaged country has for many years heavily subsidized petrol and Maduro says this has now led to a voracious black market in oil smuggled to neighbouring countries.
People who want to keep benefiting from subsidized gas prices in this oil-rich nation must register their vehicles by Friday using the so-called "carnet de la patria," or fatherland card, which provides access to government assistance.
"Anyone who does not respond to the call for this census, who does not wish to participate in the direct subsidy, will have to pay for gasoline at the international rate," Maduro said Monday without specifying when this rate would kick in.
Gasoline is practically given away in Venezuela with the subsidy, meaning a single liter of gasoline costs a bolivar, which is next to nothing.
A dollar exchanged on the black market would buy nearly five million liters.